Frankincense resin oil 1
This is Dalzielii Frankincense resin extract, after the tears have been hydro distilled for their essential oil, and after the water soluble gum has been removed. The aroma is pure and regenerative, just what I need right now! This is a resin extract dissolved into oil and the result is full of aroma and the healing properties of Boswellic acids.

After about 1/2 hour, it’s dissolved and there are a few bits and pieces of bark floating about. I filter out about one tablespoon and this goes on the wood stove, where as it warms it continues to fill the house with wonderful aroma.

Now I have a 1:3 ratio of pure oil to use as-is, as a base for salves, or in other new creative ways I might find to share with others. This is another amazing gift provided to us by nature.
We use only the finest fair-trade frankincense resins, sourced directly from Dan Riegler at Dan deals directly with local harvesters in Africa, ensuring that the local communities, whose people are the true caretakers of these botanical treasures, are fairly compensated for their work.
I encourage you to read Dan’s posts to learn more:
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