Monthly Archives: March 2019

Balsam Poplar

Balsam Poplar buds

Sticky and aromatic Balsam Poplar buds

Young Balsam Poplars

I have been looking for this tree, Populus balsamifera. I wanted to get to know it and make an oil with some of its buds, a traditional medicine. Today I found a small stand and have permission to harvest.  The trees are a bit invasive where they are and so need to be managed and smaller ones removed so we can work together, a best case scenario! So grateful.

Scar oil

Rosehip seed oil, Argan oil, cistus and helichrysum essential oils. All organic. Blended to help reduce scarring and promote healing of damaged skin.
In dram (3.75ml) tap dropper amber glass.
I like the way the lines of Light knit together, just the way we want the skin to heal.
So thankful to be of service to those in need.

Scar oil lines of light

The lines of light