
Almonte Farmers Market – June 9th

We have been putting in this year’s crops and I feel good it is before June 1st.  This work for me is one step at a time with an occasional flurry rush of team work.  The result is abundance to share.  That’s how it seems to work anyway.

I’ll be back at the Almonte Market on Saturday July 9th and I plan to have  several new things to offer.  One is a yoga mat cleaner and the other is lots of Tulsi plants.  I’ll have instructions and growing tips.  In addition, I will have potted Peppermint, Skullcap, and a few Arnica if you want to try for your own sun infused oil!  As the season progresses I will begin distilling again and have new co-distillations for your pleasures, parched skin, and individual needs.  And as always I will provide the few high quality aromatherapy blends to touch your senses and enliven the awareness that these plants are much more than roots and greens.

I’m still getting to know my new environment and always have my eyes open for plants and animals.  Today I came across this beauty.

native yellow lady slipper

today’s gift
native yellow lady slipper




Here are a couple of the plants that will meet you at the market:

Arnica Montana

One or two Arnicas give enough beautiful fragrant yellow flowers to infuse 1/2 liter of oil. I’ll give you all the secrets.


This Tulsi seedling has been pinched back in order to help it to fill out at the bottom. This allows it to remain sturdy while producing abundantly.

Spring Ice Storm with the New Moon in Aries in April 2018

I follow a lot of different growers, herbalists and nature websites and it has been hard to see all these baskets of lovely wild greens being harvested and eaten and even flowers blooming while this is my yard – ice so thick on the bird feeder it is weighting it, activating the squirrel proof mechanism that keeps it closed. I keep chipping away at it and am putting extra out on the table.
Everyone is desperate.

The spark of spring only exists in the wood stove just now but the one in my heart is smoldering as I stand in amazement at the variety of life and am beyond thankful that I don’t have to live outside all the time.  Thankful for my family, my warm bed and for my many aromatherapy blends and salves which carry me through while I wait for better weather.

Ice covering everything

Various Finches

Red Wing Blackbirds

Even the fox is hungry enough to come closer before the storm


Arnica, crowded and ready to be outside.

All babies potted up now and much happier but leaves little room for anything else until Spring comes around.

I was looking forward to this sorrel I found last week but……..

And definitely some of the Nettles coming up all around


With each step, comes another

Just taking it one step at a time and harvesting as much as we can,  processing everything and finding joy anywhere we can.

Walking stick

Walking stick 2

walking stick on sage

Calendula with bee.

Lemon Verbena

tulsi in the basket

The last clary sage distillation.


Cedar essential oil and hydrosol

gotu kola for tincture and a co-oxymel with bacopa

lemon verbena and rosemary for co-distillation

Weeds or a resting place for tools? It’s a judgment call.

Fall return

After being away for 3 weeks I returned to an amazing abundance and fantastic weather!  Thanks to all those who helped and attended the garden the 1st week and to Ian and the kids for the last 2.  Everything is wonderful.

First to do was a Tulsi distillation!

Masses of Tulsi for distillation. This hydrosol is one of the most diverse and effective. Excellent for the Fall season.

Tulsi in the basket

large purple asters


The yard, wild and unmowable for most of this year, suddenly exploded with gifts of flowers