
2016-06-03 Scots Pine and Norway Spruce Distillation

Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) saplings- June 3 2016

Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) saplings- June 3 2016

Scots Pine ready for distillation - June 3 2016

Scots Pine ready for distillation – June 3 2016

We live near the edge of the forest, and today we found a stand of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce saplings in the meadow. Last year we distilled needles from an adult Norway Spruce, and we were eager to try again with more of our local evergreen species. These saplings were the perfect choice: very green and fresh, with vibrant aromatic constituents and growing in a spot they might get mowed down.


First we distilled the Scots Pine, after chopping it into small bits by hand. The whole house smelled wonderful during the distillation, and the hydrosol came out great.

The Norway Spruce was next, and again we prepared it for distillation by chopping it into bits, with both needles and branches included. The two hydrosols smell very different.

2016-05-31 Candied Angelica


I have been learning about candied Angelica stalks, and today we made our first batch. It’s always great to find new ways to use plants that we have known for a long time, and candied Angelica is a real treat.