Helpers in the Garden

I’ve been delighted to discover all of these beneficial Insects working away in the garden beds.









I am amazed at the complexities of their life cycles and how they work synergistically to control the sometimes overwhelming numbers of leaf-hungry herbivores.

Gardening is a lot of work but It has become a very mindful activity for me while I watch how I use and move my body.  Some of the plants I grow, like Tulsi, require a mindful and nearly daily tending, and this is where I get to witness many things over time that might be overlooked, such as nymphs and larvae growing into bugs and flying things, and seeing who is eating who.  The four-lined plant bug (Poecilocapsus lineatus) tried to make a breakthrough in our garden this year but we were sure not to harm the beneficials by immediately overreacting, i.e. by using organic approved pesticides.  Instead we mindfully picked off the adults for about a week or two and then their own life cycles were interrupted by the multitude of predatory beneficials who lay their own eggs and who effectively end the outbreak.

I am not an expert in this area but it is a very important part of permaculture and sustainable practices in agriculture.  I am excited to be able to learn in this hands on, eyes on way.



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