Daily Archives: October 21, 2016

Successful Experiment: Sweet Potatoes

I love all the new things we try and this one turned out really great.  If we had had a bigger hole I think we could have had more veggie and less crazy loopty shapes,  It all tastes super great anyway!

Just beginning to dig, I wasn't expecting it to be this amazing!
Just beginning to dig; I wasn’t expecting it to be this amazing!
Sweet Potatoes!
Sweet Potatoes!
The hole and about 1/3 of the sweet potatoes.

The hole and about 1/3 of the sweet potatoes.

Harvesting – Acorus Calamus

I am very blessed to have some new connections in my field.  I have recently connected with Lisa Jeanine from alchemillasapotek.blogspot.se, who makes spagyric tinctures.  This is the traditional and original way the Alchemists made plant medicine.  Each tincture contains the complete parts of the plants: the Body, Soul, and Spirit.  Processing involves several steps including distillation and calcination and often takes months to complete.

I am sharing and trading many plants and ideas with her.  This last weekend she brought me to a place where we could harvest Acorus Calamus root.  This is a very aromatic root with unique and even magical properties.  It has been on my list of plants to meet all summer.

A plant for finding your voice.

Soft, spongy and light. Acorus Calamus has been the easiest root to process.
Soft, spongy and light. Acorus Calamus has been the easiest root to process.  This root can also be distilled to obtain a fragrant oil.
Lisa and I at the pond.
Lisa and me at the pond, with our helpers.

Also on this day we visited Lisa’s friends and well known establishment urnatur.se.

What a treat for the kids and me!  With hectares of handcrafted treehouses fitted with beds, cottages with the best living roofs I have ever seen, kitchens with handcrafted features and much more, the walk around the property was truly like, as they say on their website, a poem.  I felt like the forest was hugging me back, speaking of calm and freedom.  This place is truly unique, a celebration of nature.  I hope to return some day.

We walked around until it was dark and found the very large oak we were looking for.
We walked around until it was dark and found the very large oak we were looking for.
a different view
A different view