Fall return
After being away for 3 weeks I returned to an amazing abundance and fantastic weather! Thanks to all those who helped and attended the garden the 1st week and to Ian and the kids for the last 2. Everything is wonderful.
After being away for 3 weeks I returned to an amazing abundance and fantastic weather! Thanks to all those who helped and attended the garden the 1st week and to Ian and the kids for the last 2. Everything is wonderful.
As summer comes to a close we have been very busy harvesting the herbs and distilling, learning about our new environment and adjusting. The herbal teas, the hydrosols, the oils and the resins provide the elixirs.
The ones for illness, the ones for the soul, the ones for the heart.
Last night (the night of Aug 21st and the Solar eclipse in Leo) I distilled the Rose Geranium and when I started to process the plant I got a clear message to slow down and let the aroma seep in, permeate my mind and I felt my heart open up to myself. I hadn’t known I was closed, I was rushed, busy and tired, and suddenly I felt more acceptance, acceptance of everything. Love was present.
Speaking of Gifts……That will be the focus for the next months, Energetically aligned and Inspirational aromatic and healing salves and oil blends to get us through the fall and into winter! Whether you are feeling sluggish or need to rest, feeling down or need to channel that enthusiasm? Contact me for any custom blends you might be interested in.
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